Thursday, December 10, 2009

Is it December already?

A lot has been going on here, so excuse the total lack of posts!

We were finally affected by the economy along with the rest of the nation, and could no longer afford Gabriel going to the private school he was attending. As much as we hated to, we had no choice but to pull him from GLS and homeschool for the rest of the year. (our local public school is not a favorite of ours!)

Money was tight for a while, and not too long after my last post, I sold my sewing machine to, among other reasons, help buy books for Gabriel's homeschool curriculm and some dentistry work I needed done. This made me sad, but also helped me to focus on my family and spend more time with them! So it wasn't that bad....

...but this is a blog about sewing, right? So let's get on with that!


Without knowing that I no longer had an ELECTRIC sewing machine (eerrr....I did have the treadle that was given to me through my step-dad's parents), my again gracious Step-grandparents, Brenda and "Squirrel" gave me HIS grandma's sewing machine for Christmas (still at their house).

It's a BEAUTIFUL Singer 15-89, that WORKS, and it AND the cabinet (and stool, which itself was full of all kinds of vintage goodies) was in near perfect condition! I'm sure it needs serviced, as it hasn't been used in nearly 30+ years, but I am estatic! I was also gifted some other goodies along with it, I will have to post pictures of it all together.


That seems like a lot in itself, but I also happened upon a Singer ELECTRIC 66 RedEye. Unfortunately, it needs a good bit of work before it's usable.

My grandfather also bought me a Shark brand new-ish style (plastic, not computerized) sewing machine at a local auction...I've yet to mess around with it yet, but it seems to be in working condition. I plan on using it for small jobs such as mending quickly, and for possibly teaching sewing to the local tweens that are interested it seems!

I have much to do around here nowadays, what with homeschooling and housework and keeping 2 little boys entertained INDOORS (said with a groan, as you know little boys HATE staying inside ) so posts will still be few and far between!

But at least I updated!

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