Thursday, August 26, 2010

So, how have you been?

Me? Oh, just tired. I've went to bed early (think a little after 8!) for the past few nights, and then today after I dropped Asher off at Preschool, I went back to bed, LOL. Maybe one of these days my house will get cleaned!

No, really, I'm gonna get started on that in a bit, right now I'm tracing out patterns for some more stuff to list in my shop!

Just wanted to check in, tell me if you checked out my shop, I'm wondering what if I'm really just talking to myself here!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Finally listed some things!

Hop on over to my Etsy Shop (Link button over there on the right side bar!) and see my new samples! I hope to be listing a few more things in the next few days, so check back, and please pass the word around for me! I NEED some business, I have to pay for my car to get fixed!

(In case you don't hear or Lee kills me tonight when he gets home....I backed into a tree today in my NEW van! *sigh*....and Drea thinks SHE lost her mind!)

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Another first day of school post!

My BABY started preschool today! My precious (ok, not always) little (but chubby and pinch-able) baby ("I NOT a baby mommy, I a big-a boy!") boy left me for 3 hours today!

And you know what.....?

It was GLORIOUS! Ha! Betcha didn't think I'd say that, huh?

I did miss him, and it was odd that it was so quiet at my house, but I did get to do some things (crafts) that I don't usually get to, since it involved a hot glue gun! LOL. And this time I actually didn't burn my fingers to pieces!

I did take pictures, but incase you haven't heard, Scottsboro became a river today, we got over 6 inches of rain in about 2 hours, so I didn't get great pics! :( Maybe thursday I'll get some more. I did take a couple snapshots in the house before we left, but at the moment I'm too lazy to get up and go find the camera, LOL.


Church was really good this weekend. I sorta felt sorry for the church Sunday morning, I felt like the whole church had to sit there and listen to the ministers preach just to me! I'm sure others have felt the same at times.

By the time the brothers had all finished, I felt like I had been trimmed and cut down to the bare essentials of life. Which is a good thing, by the way. I'm always glad to hear the Word of God, and when it comes and makes you feel new and clean again like it did to me this Sunday, it's wonderful! I'm not saying I feel wonderful, LOL, I feel like hiding under a bush, all the things I've picked up and dropped off lately have made me feel so ashamed!

Probably the best (natural) part of the weekend though was Sunday in between church, I had to apologize to Lee for somethings I've done (not bad, for my favorite aunts that read this, LOL, just some things I need to work on!), and he asked me what made me say that? I told him that I realized some things I needed to work on when the ministers were preaching that morning, and he replied "Well, if it makes you feel any better, I didn't think of you at all when anything was said this morning!" LOL. Well, it did, for a bit, but then it made me wonder if he thinks of me during preaching often? Haha!

Oh well, glad the rain is gone, but the heat is back and I'm pooped, so off to watch TV and snuggle with the kids for a bit before getting supper started. Then it's off to bed, and then to Murfreesboro tomorrow to eat lunch with my sis for her 21st birthday!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

The bus

So my little man decided he wanted to ride the bus. Since I know the bus driver very well (my whole life, really, LOL), and he is one of the first ones off of the bus, I'm ok with that.

However, I am NOT ok with the fact that he forgets all about me as soon as he sees it. While waiting for the bus to come (and YES, I do wait with him, we live on a highway people!), he was hugging me and talking to me, and all that gooey mama loves it stuff, and then the bus came.

And here I am, standing with my camera, ready to get that great shot of him loading the bus for the first time (well, in our driveway, he rode it home yesterday afternoon).....and nope. Forget about looking back at mom the way we talked about. Gotta see all of my friends and talk to the driver.

Ok, sorry, just had to get all that out.

My baby is growing up. All thanks to The Bus.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

First day of school!

So, just to add to all of the blogs out there today, my little man started school today. This is his second round of Kindergarten (his birthday falls after the cut-off, so they made him repeat!), so it wasn't as hard as the first go around, but it was definatly heart-wrenching to leave your baby in the hands of a stranger!

I won't bore you with all of the details, but today was also picture day (feel sorry for the teacher!) and a full day to boot! I was surprised that it wasn't half a day a first! To beat it all...I thought Gabriel would cry because he had to stay, but it was Asher that threw a fit, screaming and crying, because he had to leave! LOL!

So....wanna see pictures??